Friday, April 20, 2012

I remember when…

my baby girl, was a baby girl. Time has flown by over the last seven years. I don’t know what happened! I remember distinctly fretting over when she was coming, then she was here my perfect 9lb 13oz baby with spiky red hair—who knows where that came from. Ansley is super sweet and thoughtful, she usually remembers to put others before herself. Even today when she came home to find a surprise gift card from Pappa and Nanni she immediately wanted to go to Build-a-Bear and get something for her brother and herself. She loves to be read to and has nearly perfect auditory memory. We are as amazed as her teachers when she recites back stories and movies word for word after only hearing them once. She loves to dance and play soccer and we are trying softball this year for the first time. She loves animals and anything nature oriented. The butterfly museum is her favorite place.  Best of all she loves God and will happily tell anyone who listens all about the plan of salvation and her God’s “love and mercy and grace” which thanks him for every night in her prayers.


1st Birthday!2005-2006 570

2nd Birthday!2007 471

3rd Birthday!2008 365

4th birthday!2009 1027

5th birthday!087

6th birthday!



I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

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